
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Garden for Kids Playground

How to Make House Garden for Children's Play Area

In his book Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv explores some disorders, due to a deficit of nature to human life. The basic theory is simple. He said that the kids now, less in play outside the house. As a result, they have less self-confidence and creativity, can not think outside of the box, difficult to work together with others, as well as a number of psychological and physical characteristics such as obesity.
Garden for Kids Playground
Small Garden for Kids Playground | houzz.

Richard says, departed from that children need to play in nature, especially the diverse nature. You can make it, designing a small nature, with wild and free similarities in it. Yes, you can make a green and healthy small garden for the developing mind and soul of your children.

Sound Harmonization in Kids Playground Garden

Garden Pool for Kids Playground
Pool in Garden | houzz
A fountain is a harmonic sound source or shallow rippling pond will attract children to always want to play in the park. Not only enjoy, but make this pool as the other life, to be known by your kids. Fish, turtles, or water plants will be a source of new knowledge.

The Diverse Textures and Flavors in Garden for Kids Playground

The more color and variety of the leaf, the stronger the flavor that is created to make the kids connected and explore the natural surroundings. Lavender flowers, grass, or a rose on the side of the road is the arena of children's play and find out. Make the grass plants grow from the lowest to the highest among the flowers. Vary the large leaf and small leaf, green leaf color and red or blue and yellow leaves.

Garden Chairs or Patio

Garden Chair for Kids Playground
Chair in Garden for Kids Playground | shutterstock
Provide seating. The best place to sit in the garden in between the grass and flowers, or at the edge of the pond. Make this sitting position facing the expanse of grass or flowers for a faithful friend to relax and sharpen children's imagination if he likes to draw or paint.

Create a Mystery in Garden for Kids Playground

You can create a garden that implies a lot of goals and create mystery. Making small roads, footpaths hidden among the trees, a corner hidden by bushes and so on. These are the places that you could specifically designed to train children to think independently and explore the surrounding environment. Where are the way to go out? What is in the corner there? Where I can hide and be sure no one will find me? That's what you can cultivate through a small garden for kids playground in your home!

Charm of Rock in Garden for Kids Playground

Who does not like playing with a rock? All the kids would love it! Start with the stones with smooth edges or toothed rough, they like to hold and throw to grass or pond. Well, pile the stones and make the creations to beautify your garden.

Welcome to the wildlife!

Almost all of the above will be immediately invite wildlife into your garden, whether it by water/pond, rocks, and textured landscape with a variety of plants and flowers. These plants will support the local food chain of insects and birds. However, you do not need squirt of pesticides or other chemicals. Besides good for nature, it is also a good way to maintain the health of your children.

Of course, deep down inside, in the future we would like our children to go far, either to the mountains or to the forest, to the edge of a river or lake as the most beautiful places that inspire and enable them to get there one day to get out of ordinary life. All of that you can start from your home garden. See also the importance of house garden. Let the Garden for Kids Playground in your home, be the beginning for your children to find themselves for the first time.
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Gardening in Apartment

Tips and Ideas for Gardening in Apartment

How to make garden in apartment? For those of you who like gardening, do not worry for the hobby due to stay at the apartment. Limited space and height is not a barrier to gardening in apartment.

gardening in apartment with pot
Example of Gardening in Apartment Picture.

Of course, you can still do gardening in an apartment! You can use a pot at least 17cm in diameter as well planting area of vegetables, plants with beautiful leaves. Alternatively, you can use a long pipe with a minimum diameter of 7.5 cm.

vertical garden in apartment
Beautiful Vertical  Garden in Apartment Photo.

To be more efficient and environmentally friendly, you can also use tin cans. Stacking pots from tin cans on iron buffer so as to produce a small vertical garden that does not take up space. Tiny balcony in the apartment now appear more green and useful. And now you can do your gardening hobby. Look also indoor plant types for you who want to make garden in house. I hope this short article about gardening in apartment tips will be helpful for you. :)
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Friday, May 16, 2014

Ideal House Fence Height

Fence Height Regulations

Before building a fence, you should find out in advance the regulations made ​​by the government or the developer about the allowed height of fence design. Are there clear rules, which regulate the ideal height of fences? There are no official rules, so many people are confused to determine the ideal height of fence. However, actually there are several factors that come into effect in determining the ideal fence height.
Ideal Fence Height | shutterstock
For example, when you live in housing with the concept of town. In this kind of housing, the use of high fences would be contrary to the concept of hospitality offered by the housing.

How High is The Ideal Fence Design?

Fences with 1.8 meter height to protect your privacy area. | houzz. 
Ideal fence height also need to be tailored to your needs. For those of you who build a fence in order to protect private areas in the home, the ideal height of the fences is higher than the average height of an adult, which is about 1.8 meters. For you who want to prevent an intruder enter the house, the ideal fence height ranges from 1.8 to 2.5 meters. To be safe, many people add sharp materials, such as glass shards, nails, and so on the fence head.

Fence for house security with height about 0.9 to 1.2 meters | houzz.

Meanwhile, to minimize noise in the front area of ​​the house, not just ideal height of home fence that need attention. Thickness factor of the fence, may have contributed to it. To minimize noise, the fence should be made with a minimum thickness of 10 cm and a height ranging from 1.8 to 2 meters. As a suggestion, for you who live in a cluster environment, you can use a fence with height of 0.9 to 1.2 meters, or just same with the height of waist of an adult. The fence height should be no more than 1.5 m. The most ideal fence height is 1.2m.

If the width of the house is less than 8 m, preferably use a fence with 1.2m height. Meanwhile, if the width of the house above 8 m, you could use fence with a height of 1.5 m. The size of the fences is enough for house security and still provide visual comfort, so that the face of the house still can be enjoyed.
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Thursday, May 15, 2014

6 Unique Glass House Designs

Inspirational Glass House for Residential and Office

The house is a place for shelter, which provides comfort to the occupants. Because of that, it is very important to design the house in accordance with the wishes. Many people design a glass house to give a different impression from the other houses. In fact, there are also offices are designed so. Transparent glass home and work office style that also looks unique. Here are some inspiring glass house and dream glass office designs, as quoted from Oddee.

Unique Glass House Design in Italia

Italian Glass House Design Ideas
Italian Glass House Design.
Beam shaped glass house design, designed by designer and architects Carlo Santambrogio Milano. This glass house consists of three floors was deliberately designed in cold climates. That's why this house is considered to be the 'home of snow'. Not only the walls are designed with glass ornaments, but the floor of the house was made ​​with glass. Interested in having a house like this?

Glass House Design in Australia

Glass House Design Photos
Inspirational Australian Glass House Design.
Located close to the sea in Pittwater, about 30 km north of Sydney, Australia, this transparent house looks beautiful because of its location in the middle of the trees and foliage. This glass house was designed by architectural firm, Sanby Utz Sydney. The floor was dominated by wooden ornaments to help to align the glass house that located at the middle of the forest.

Unique Glass House In Germany

Awesome Unique Glass House in Germany
Picture of Awesome Unique Glass House in Germany.
This transparent building was built in 2007. Apparently, the building belongs to Glaskoch Corporation was designed by 3Deluxe for an informal meeting place. The entire rooms of the glass house also comes with all-white shades, good interior, and furniture.

Wood Glass House in UK

Wood Glass House in UK
Unique glass house with wood cover in UK.
This one glass house design is completely unique and different from other homes. Yes, this transparent house, turns out that on the outside is equipped with wooden ornaments, which can be shifted backwards and forwards. If the weather is hot or do not want that scorching sun light radiates to the glass house, wooden ornaments such as a sliding door that could serve to cover the transparent house. Cool!

Glass Home Design in Amerika

American Glass House Design
Picture of American Glass House Design.
This Glass house is designed on top of the hill. The house was also equipped with a transparent pool that large enough. Although this glass house looks simple but it still looks comfortable. Even this house was once one of the filming locations in the movies, such as "Why Do Fools Fall in Love?" (1998), "Corrina, Corrina" (1994), and "Crazy, Stupid, Love" (2011).

Inspirational Glass House in Netherlands

Unique Glass House Ideas
Over The Lake Glass House Ideas in Holland.
This transparent house made of glass located in Netherlands, placed ​​over the lake. The view offered is certainly very impressive. The floor was made ​​of glass so that occupants can see the lake water directly.
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Monday, May 12, 2014

7 Houses Inspired by Movies

List of 7 Incredible House Inspired from Cartoons & Movies

Houses Inspired by Movies
Real Houses Inspired by Cartoons
After a luxurious house and weirdest in the world, now there are seven unique house inspired from movies and cartoon characters. Some residential buildings is indeed very interesting. Want to see how the appearance of the houses inspired by movies? Here's a list of real cartoon/movie houses, as quoted from Oddee.

1. The Simpsons House

The Simpsons House
Real life Simpsons house.
This colorful house is designed like the Simpsons family's home. The interior was actually almost identical to the one in the cartoon. The house is located in Henderson, Nevada.

2. Barbie's Home

Real Barbie Home
Barbie real life dream house.
For you Barbie lovers, must have felt passionately when viewing this home. The house is designed by Jonathan Adler, the interior designer of Barbie inspired home, complete with a shoe closet. This pink house is located in Malibu, California.

3. House of Minnie Mouse

Real House of Minnie Mouse
Minnie Mouse House in Real Size.
If you've ever been to Mickey's Toontown at Disneyland Anaheim, California, surely you've seen this house. Interestingly, various kinds of furniture designed as plastic.

4. Hobbit's House

Hobbit House
The Hobbit's House.
This house was built by Simon Dale. It only took four months to build this tiny house of the Hobbit.

5. Hello Kitty's House

Hello Kitty House
Cute Hello Kitty's House.
The owner of this house is definitely a fan of the cartoon character, Hello Kitty. Outside and inside design shades of pink. Cute house for girls. The house is also filled with a decorative face or ribbons of Hello Kitty.

6. Batman's House

Batman House
Batman Inspired House.
The house is dominated by a mix of black and white palette, was inspired from the movie superhero, Batman. Although large, but this house looks gloomy, and creepy.

7. Star Wars House

Star Wars House
Star Wars House
Built in 1970 by Claude King, this house inspired by Neil Armstrong, who had just landed on the moon, and the Star Wars movies. The house is shaped like a flying saucer, located in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
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The Right Paint Colors for Each Room

Tips to Choose The Right Paint Colors for Every Room & Kitchen

The Right Paint Colors for Each Room/Interior

The color selection is quite important in the arrangement of the home. Not only for aesthetic value only, but make you and family members more comfortable. Each color has its own function and character. There is character of soothing, energizing or triggering aggressiveness. Therefore choosing colors should be adjusted to the function of room in the house. Check out some tips to choose color for every room in your house, as quoted from Paintersoflouisville.

1. Workspace Interior Color

Blue Workspace Interior
Blue Workspace
Blue is a color that is suitable for work space. The cool color have a calming effect and can help you stay focused on something that is being done. That is why blue is often associated with productivity. Choose the color of dusty blue, navy blue or salted egg blue for the walls. Blue light is also suitable for boys room.

2. Bedroom Color

Green Bedroom Color
Green Bedroom Color
Light green is the ideal color for the bedroom. Providing fresh but full effects of tranquility. Elements of the yellow color (green is a secondary color blend of blue and yellow) give the feel comfortable and healthy in the room that makes you sleep more soundly.

3. Girls' Bedroom Color

Pink Girls Bedroom
Cute Girls Bedroom

Pink paint on the walls to give the impression of a warm room, girlie, soft and cheerful. Although classified as a warm color, it turns pink has a calming effect. The color is even used in some prisons overseas, so that prisoners do not behave aggressively.

4. Kitchen Color

Yellow Kitchen Color
Yellow Kitchen Color

Yellow color is suitable for the kitchen because it makes the room brighter, increase energy and metabolism. The color gives you the spirit to move when cooking food for the family. But do not use for a baby's bedroom as if it too long to see this color, eyes will be tighten and tired.

5. Family Room

Purple Family Room
Purple Family Room Color
Use lavender purple, because it could soothe the nerves and give a relaxing effect. It also adds to the impression of magnificent while being at home, because the color purple is often associated with well-being and wisdom. In addition to the family room, the color is also suitable for the living room.

6. Dining Room

Red Dining Room
Red Dining Room Color

Red can trigger appetite. That is why many restaurants are using this color as the interior design to attract buyers. For example, McDonald's, KFC, Wendy's and Pizza Hut.
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Common Home Decorating Mistakes

5 Common Mistakes in House Decorating That Make A Mess Looks

Decorate home our self will not only save cost but also add our own personal touch to the home. But decorating homes is not an easy job, because if there is wrong placement or layout, it will actually diminish the beauty of the house. Here are some ways that are not appropriate when decorating a house, as quoted from Helium.

Home Decorating Mistakes
Home Decorating

1. Pasting All Furniture to Wall

This is the fist of common home decorating mistakes to avoid when decorating interior. Many people think the room will seem more spacious if all the furniture is placed on the wall. Such as sofas, chairs and tables. But the visible is the opposite, the room look untidy. Furniture will look nicer and the room seem more 'friendly' if placed in the angle, which is surrounded by empty space. Place a set of furniture in the middle of the room. Furniture should not be placed too far apart to allow people to communicate more easily when held a small discussion in the living room.

2. Gratuitous in Placing Wall Hanging

Many people who do not know the rules of display wall hangings. Generally, ornaments hung too high, thus making it difficult to be enjoyed by guests. Or decorations is too small, while the walls of the room or space is too large, so the room seem empty. The proper way to hang wall hangings are placed in the middle and lower, which can be seen clearly.

3. Lighting is Too Dark/Bright

Lack of proper lighting not only makes the room look less good, but also interfere with the person who was in the house. That is the 3rd in common home decorating mistakes to avoid. Lights should be placed under or parallel to the eye. If you put the lights on the ceiling, use a rather dim lamp, so that the light from above is not too bright. Choose lights that can be mounted on a table or floor if possible, and make sure it is coordinated with other decor elements.

4. Too Many Home Furnishings

Wearing accessories such as urns, picture frame or other display could be a way to decorate the room. But if you pull out all the displays that you have at the same time will make the room seem cramped and cluttered. Just select a few items to the room and note the model and size. Large displays should be placed no more than two items in one room. While the small displays can be placed in the living room or bedroom. Displaying little accessories/home furnishings in the room will make guest more focused pay attention to the beauty of furnishings in the room, compared to the room with a lot of stuff.

5. Improper Color Block

Combining bright colors with too crowded motifs, will make the 'eye sore'. If you plan on wearing bright colors, you should not paint the entire room. Combine with soft colors or neutral. If you still want to use a bright color as the primary paint, soften with the use of carpet and sofa with neutral colors.

That's all 5 common home decorating mistakes. Did you also make the same mistake?
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Sunday, May 11, 2014

How to Get Rid of Bad Odor from Kitchen

Tips to Remove Bad Odors in The Kitchen

The many activities of cooking and utensils cleaning, make the kitchen often becoming place to many germs and bacteria, as well as being one of the dirtiest places in the home. Food scraps, grease and residue, make the kitchen often cause bad odor. Whether derived from food that has spoiled or water used to wash dishes and pans.

Fresh Kitchen - Cleaning Tips
Clean and Fresh Kitchen

In fact, the clean and fresh kitchen, can make the activity more vibrant and cooking more enjoyable. Creating a comfortable and fragrant kitchen is not difficult. Just as long as you regularly clean and care for it, and follow these several tips to remove bad odors in the kitchen.

1. Trash Should Always Dry and Clean

Do not let dry and organic garbage, piled up in the trash, in your kitchen. Besides causing a pungent odor, also inviting germs and bacteria. Make sure you dispose of the waste in the kitchen every day. This also applies to the valve and dumps food scraps under the sink. To reduce odors, pour a few tablespoons of baking soda in the hole and under the sink.

2. Clean The Oil and Food Left on The Stove.

Oil and ex-cook food scraps stuck to the stove or oven can also be the source of the bed smell or odor in the kitchen. Clean the top of the stove with a mixture of vinegar and water each after cooking. The trick, lift the stove framework and remove crusts and oil that stick on it. Then rub all parts of the stove/cooker with cleaning fluid before.

3. Routine Refrigerator Cleaning

A large variety of food in the refrigerator can cause unpleasant smells in your kitchen. Therefore, clean the refrigerator regularly, at least once a week. You can use a mixture of a basin of water with three tablespoons of baking soda and place all in a spray bottle. This mixture serves as a natural cleanser, which is more secure than detergent.

Empty the entire contents of the refrigerator, including shelves. Spray baking soda, then wipe with a clean sponge. Clean the freezer first, then the bottom. When entering the food back into the refrigerator, note the expiration date. Do not put spices, or food, with a pungent odor, so the refrigerator does not spread bad smell in the kitchen. Immediately remove food that has been damaged or stale from the refrigerator.

4. Wash The Wipe Cloth and Sponge Cleanser

Equipment for cleaning kitchen appliances such as sponges and wipes, as well as the potential place to make your kitchen smell bad because it saves millions of bacteria. So, the kitchen cleaning tools must not forget to be cleaned. Every two to three days, wash sponge and cloth in the washing machine. Use detergent and bleach to get rid of germs, grease and dirt to the maximum. Can also be soaked in warm water that has been given dishwashing liquid. Let stand for 10 minutes, then wash the remnants of soap under running water.

You can also use fragrances to make your kitchen smells good after doing all the tips above. That all four ways on how to get rid of bad odors in the kitchen. See also, guidance to organize kitchen according to feng shui. I hope these tips to remove bad odors in the kitchen can be helpful for you.
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Guide to Organize Kitchen According to Feng Shui

How to Organize Kitchen, According to Feng Shui?

The kitchen, can be regarded as 'heart' of life at home. Starting from cooking, preparing breakfast to dinner and do the dishes all done here. In the science of feng shui, the kitchen is also regarded as the most important room in the house. Therefore, this place should be clean, comfortable and into the room that makes the whole family feel happy when get together and talk. In addition there are six more things that need to be considered when arranging the kitchen.

6 Ways To Organize Kitchen According to Science of Feng Shui

Kitchen Feng Shui
Kitchen FengShui
This guidance according to feng shui, as quoted from Care2.

1. Show the Bright and Cheerful Feel in The Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most active room in the house. So choose the bright, active and cheerful colors to the wall or furniture. You can also beautify a kitchen with wall hangings and enough kitchen lighting. Do not forget to put also one or two small pots containing live plants because everything comes from nature can make life healthier.

2. Maintain The Kitchen To Keep It Neat

Attach a kitchen set with lots of cabinets and shelves for storing cookware and spices. Place the basket as well to put the dirty dishes, unwashed, in order not scattered and piled up in the sink or the sink. That way, the kitchen will always be a favorite place to bring the family without having to interfere with the not beautiful scenery of dirty and smelly dishes.

3. Sorting The Cooking and Eating Equipment

Instead, place the cookware and eating equipment, which is more often used every single day. Such as pans, pots, teapots, dinner plates, serving dishes, drinking glasses, silverware, and so on. Do not fill your kitchen shelves and cabinets with unused objects that only complicate you move in the kitchen. Remember the last time you use the furniture, and store goods in warehouses that have been the last six months you do not touch.

4. Secure The Dangerous Goods

Store knives in a special box and put it on the top edge of the cabinet for safe keeping, that are not easily touched children. Hanging lap dishwasher away from the stove and move other objects, which is combustible. Security is the main thing, because most of the accidents that occur in the home due to unsafe kitchen.

5. Keep Away Dining Table from TV

Sit down and eat together at the dining table should be a moment to share stories, relax and refresh the body. For that you need a great place to eat every day. A place where family members can connect and communicate with each other. It is important to provide a comfortable chair and artwork (paintings, photographs, drawings) on the wall. Either watched television event with family, but not while eating. Discipline yourself and family while eating. Avoid watching TV to keep the warmth of home and family.

6. Provide The Element of Land/Earth

Earth element, gives 'grounded' energy in the body. Important factor when it comes to contact with the fire and the knife in the kitchen. If you are planning to renovate the kitchen, choose kitchen wall color or replace the ceramic in kitchen with granite, or ground shades (brown, brick red, leaf green, and so on). Excellent for placing furniture, or decor with warm colors (yellow, gold, orange) near the sink to balance the water element. Black, a color that represents the element of water and can make kitchen area becomes feels too 'floating' and it is not good for kitchen decoration. That all Guides to Organize Kitchen According to Feng Shui science.
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House Renovation Tips and Tricks

Easy and Inexpensive Tips for Renovating Home

House is a place to relax and rest, but sooner or later you may get tired of the decor. To make the home more fresh and beautiful is by renovating the house. There are many simple and easy tips to renovate the house. You can make a difference without spending a lot of time and effort, if you have some effective tips to renovate the house.

House Renovation Tips - Tricks
House Renovation Tips and Tricks

Add a little creativity to what you are doing, so it ends with an elegant result. Changes in the color of the room, the position of furniture or different design of curtains, can make a big difference in a home. You must be wise in renovating the house, so the house will feel calm and comfortable. Apart from the beauty aspect, the right house renovation can help to prevent long-term problems at your home. Here are some simple house renovation tips and tricks, as quoted by Sky Bold.

House Renovation Plan

Your house will end up with a mess when renovations started without the proper ideas and plans. It is better to first decide what you want before you start renovating the house. Consider also the problem of time and cost.

The House Renovation Budget

In renovating the house, take a look at the budget that you have. If you do not have more budget, maybe you could start renovating the important parts, for example leaky tiles, or faded room paint colors. Adjust your budget, do not get too much spending, because you renovate too much.

House Decor Trend

Follow the current trend of home decoration, to make it look more modern and fresh. Although you love the vintage decor, but still add modern elements to enhance your home. Look for home decor ideas in

house decoration trends
Trendy House Renovation

Be Creative

Try to incorporate some of your creativity while renovating the house. This will help in getting a different look, a new and refreshing. For example, you can give the frame on a painting or graffiti made ​​by a child. Indeed abstract picture, but the picture still has a unique value.

Less for More

When considering to renovate the house, make a small change would be a great idea to make a big difference. Keep making a simple plan in renovating a house.

Perform One by One

It is better to carry out your plans one by one, after dividing them into different groups. This will help you to change the ideas that you feel do not fit the planned procedure.

Changing Furniture Position

If you do not have cost that much, for renovations, but wanted the house looks different, maybe you can change the position of furniture or replace your home curtains. This method can make the atmosphere changed.
So, are you ready to renovate your house?
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5 Teal Themed Interior and Exterior Decorations | Trend 2014

Inspirations of Teal Color Application in Home Decoration Trend 2014

Teal, the color that becomes a trend in 2014, which was issued by the Dulux paint brand. Green and blue colors blend has a varied range of colors, ranging from light to dark teal that can be customized with various mood.

5 Teal Themed Decoration Ideas

Inspiration in the use of teal color is also launched by Dulux and AkzoNobel Global Aesthetic Center into five themes for interior and exterior decoration that can be applied at home, work space or recreation area.

1. The Silent Revolution

Tale Room Decor
Silent Revolution - Teal Themed Room Design.
This trend is very delicate, using several variations and gradations of color palette dominated by white and neutral. The color palette provide a calm and quiet atmosphere with game textures and natural materials. For this theme, teal applied in a darker shade.

2. Urban Folk

Tale Room Decor
Teal Decoration Themes : Urban Folk.

This palette shades bring life from the fresh and bright colors, so it makes the room look new. The color of the palette is inspired by cross stitch embroidery, bright ornament of a typical Russian dolls, light and cheerful decor as Scandinavian style, but also tucked a luxurious touch of India, South American and Chinese style, which is full of bright colors.

3. Margin of Proof

Tale Room Decor
Margin of Proof - Teal Interior Decoration Theme Ideas.
If you want the feel of a more mature and serious, this theme is suitable to be applied to the workspace. Neutral palette dominated by bright colors only as accents to 'turn on' the room. Bright colors like teal, scarlet and orange contrast looks over dark shades of natural materials such as wood, marble, and cement.

4. The Secret Garden

Tale Room Decor
The Secret Garden | Teal Themed Garden.
Implies romance, feminism, and mysterious with predominantly green and purple. This palette is more mellow, shabby and smoky nuances.

5. Do It Now

Tale Room Decor
Do It Now - Decoration Theme with Teal Color.
Using lively colors, which gives the spirit and energetic. Suitable to be applied to the children's play room, or recreation room in the house or office.
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Future Bedroom Technology

Futuristic Bedrooms, Desired by Many People

Technology has become a thing that can not be separated from human. The sophistication of technology makes people become dependent and do it all with just a little movement. Starting from a futuristic toilet that can shut itself, lights that can be lit only with the flick of a finger, until television operated through hand movements.

Desired Futur Bedroom Technology

The house has now become a very minimalist, but full of advanced technology. Seeing human tendency that more and more dependent on technology, agency The Sleep Council is also interested in knowing the desired dream bedroom in the future. After conducting a large-scale survey, researchers found there are five features in the bedroom, most people expect to be real. What kind picture of future bedroom in people mind? This list, as quoted from Female First.

Future Bedroom Technology Ideas

  1. Bedroom with auto lights feature. Having lights that can light up itself in the morning, to help owners get up in the morning on time.
  2. Auto adjustment material temperature. The bedroom equipped with material that can adapt to the air temperature. For example mattresses which can be adjusted into a warm / cold in summer or winter.
  3. Auto clean bedroom furniture. Bedroom with furniture that can clean itself and anti-bacteria and germs. For example, a mattress with a system that can automatically sterilize itself, so the user does not have to clean it regularly.
  4. Smart bed technology that can monitor the condition of the vital organs of the user while sleeping. This bed can warn users when exposed to infections, colds, coughs, or when going on a heart attack.
  5. Energy efficient bedroom. Floors can collect energy and turn it into electricity. For example, the carpet which can absorb light and convert it into energy that can be used.

Futuristic Bedroom Technology | The Sleep Council
How about you, what kind of futuristic bedroom technology do you want?
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Anti Food Stains Plate Technology

Anti Wet Plate. Can Clean Itself Without Washed

In the future, perhaps washing the dishes will 'disappear' from the list of household tasks. Swedish product designer has created a feeding device that can clean itself. Without using a sponge, or washing soap.

The designers use the latest technology applied in the coating material for plate, so the plate or bowl become waterproof and dirt proof. Oil or seasoning food can not stick to the surface of the plate, and food scraps just need to be rinsed with water to remove.

Anti Food Stains Plate
Anti Food Stains Plate Picture.

Anti Stain Plate Materials

The secret of this Anti Food Stain Plate Technology is in the materials used. Each plate is made of lightweight cellulose based materials, but solid and hard as ceramic. This is certainly a new breakthrough. Because in general, cellulose used for the manufacture of sponge or cleaning cloth.

Cellulose is an organic compound, which is found in cotton fiber, wood and dry hemp. Cellulose shaped grains compacted by means of pressure using a hot mold and then formed into trays, plates and bowls. After cooling process, the cellulose material becomes hard and dense like ceramics, but very light and not easily broken. Then continue to the coating process called Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solutions. This process is done by dissolving the wax in liquid carbon dioxide at high temperature and pressure. The liquid is then sprayed onto the entire plate evenly. This coating is similar to a lotus leaf floating on the water but never soggy or wet.

Anti Wet Plate Technology
Anti Wet Plate Technology by Tomorrow Machine & Innventia

This product was developed by a Swedish design studio, Tomorrow Machine, in collaboration with research firm Innventia. Cellulosic material produced by Innventia while coating technique created by KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

This Anti-Stain Plate not only save natural resources when the manufacturing process, but also reduces the use of water and chemicals (from dishwashing liquid) when the products are in use. Unfortunately, this Anti Food Stain Plate product that look stylish with a pattern of blue-white marble could not be found on the market yet. Because of this new anti-stain plate was created as a prototype and will not be mass-produced and commercially in the near future.

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