List of Vegetables That Grow Underground That You Can Plant in Your Garden
Vegetables that grow underground often called as root vegetables. These root crop not only have leaves showing above the ground that can make your garden looks fresher, but it also has vegetables underground that you can reap for your own consumption. Here are the list of vegetables that grow underground that you can plant in your garden and brief steps of how to grow root vegetables.Some of the famous vegetables that are on the list of vegetables that grow underground are carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, turnips, cassavas and radishes. These vegetables grow out of sight until the harvesting time comes. But the leaves grow above the ground so it still gives your garden a fresh green look. Some of them like cassava even have their leaves up high like a small tree. Other than vegetables, there are also root crop that considered as spices that grow underground like ginger, curcuma, cumin and onions.
Growing root vegetables can be done simply on the yard soil or you can use a soil bed to make it more organized. Some root vegetables like potato or bulb turnip can be grown in a large container. It requires a loose soil, because a hard soil will make the root vegetables difficult to grow. It’s rather easy since to grow root vegetables since it does not require special treatment, of course some on the list of vegetables that grow underground like carrots and potatoes always attracts pests that will spoil the vegetables before you harvest it if you don’t give them a close watch.
You need to pay more attention of the spaces where you place the root vegetable seeds. You shouldn’t place them too near or they wouldn’t have enough space to grow. Root vegetables like onions need extra fertilization to make them grow perfectly. Other than that, a good hydration in an area that is not too cold should help the root vegetables to grow. Most of the vegetables that are on the list of vegetables that grow underground need 60 to 90 days to harvest. Having the longest time to harvest is the sweet potato. A regular potato can be harvested in 60 days but the longer you wait the tenderer the potato will be.
Pictures of Vegetables That Grow Underground

There are more on the list of vegetables that grow underground. The ones that are mentioned above are just some of the root vegetables that are easy to find and grow. You can also try other root vegetables and spices like onions, gingers, red radishes, sweet cassava and baby carrots.