
Friday, February 21, 2014

Clock Tower Triplex Apartment in New York

Clock Tower Triplex Apartment in New York is actually the old concept that brings back to the modern housing. The separation between indoor and outdoor space can be determined by the big clock tower. You may feel hard to believe that this concept eventually exists, but this is New York, where everything can be done here. Bringing in this old concept to be the modern and classical concept being united is one of the main concepts here. The interior designer actually wants to bring in this idea in order to make you house look bigger with the natural separation of glass reflection. As we know, the glass separation with outdoor space may make your house look brighter and bigger. The New York apartment idea now has being applied in most of modern concept for housing.

Clock Tower Triplex Apartment may make your apartment feel so close with outdoor. The triplex material for clock tower is beneficial. In this term, triples looked as the most suitable material for clock tower. This is the prevention for wind blow or other damage which may cause by nature. The size for clock tower should is adjustable, in which this should be not too big or not too small. The higher room of your house may suitable for this idea. The tower clock will be nice if being applied for your dining room. Romantic place can be made with the assistance of this concept. Candle light dinner will be more convenient and nice to be made here. Clock Tower Triplex Apartment in New York is more like the application of old term which brought into the modern way. Then, classic meet modern theme, resulting in the romantic combination of both.

Clock Tower Triplex Apartment Pictures

Clock Tower Triplex Apartment in New York

Picture of Clock Tower Triplex Apartment in New York

Clock Tower Triplex Photo

Landscape of Clock Tower Triplex Apartment

New York Clock Tower Triplex Apartment

The view of Clock Tower Triplex in New York

Clock Tower Triplex Apartment interior in New York

Clock Tower Triplex Apartment design

Clock Tower Triplex Brooklyn may not be different with the New York concept. Both concepts are provided for metropolitan area, dense city, in which both place offer you such kind different experience in enjoying the view, especially the night view. Excitement of applying this concept is reflected by more and more housing ideas to offer the different interior design. The main concern here about Clock Tower Triplex Apartment in New York is creating no separation for your interior design and the exterior design, both only about reflection of glass from your window which save because of the triplex material. You also need to pay more attention toward the detail of the clock itself, it better be real, not fake, so that you can feel the real clock tower by the means of every beat of seconds.

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