
Saturday, December 14, 2013

How to wash Your Sofa

Sofas need to be washed if there is dirt or stain on it, or there have been used for a long time. To keep your living room clean, you have to regularly clean the furniture’s and interior including sofas. When you hold a party or other events in your house, there will always be dirt’s and stains from the foods or drinks left on your sofas. Do not worry. The dirt’s and stains can be removed if you wash your sofas. Do you know how to wash your sofa?

How to wash Your Sofa

Washing sofas is not that difficult. You just need to do some easy steps and your problems with dirty sofas will be solved. There are some methods to wash sofas. You can follow the methods if you do not know how to get started. After reading the methods, you can start washing your sofas on your own. The following are two methods of how to wash your sofa.

Two Methods of How to wash Your Sofa

Here is the first method of how to wash your sofa. Pre-cleaning your sofa, there are some preparatory works to do before start cleaning your sofa. Vacuum your sofa and get rid of the pillows and cushions. Get in all the crevices of the sofa using the vacuum’s attachments. Make sure you clean the sofa’s arm rests, the back and also the sides. Using a cloth, dust all the wood areas like the arms and the legs. Then, read the papers which you got when you bought the sofa. Find out the cleaning supplies that are allowed to use. If you cannot find it on the papers, call the company first. To determine the method of cleaning, find out the fabric on the sofa. You should buy the cleaner that are recommended for the product. After that, you can rent carpet shampooer to wash your sofa from a store.

Tips on How to wash Your Sofa

The second method of how to wash your sofa is cleaning the sofa. Read the user guide of the carpet shampooer to operate it. Then, put in the sofa and carpet shampoo. Firstly, try clean the back of the sofa. If the color of the fabric changed, do not continue. To clean the whole area of the sofa, use the shampooer’s handheld attachment. You can get the excess water and dirt by using the shampooer’s suction attachment. Let the sofa dry.

How to wash Your Sofa Tutorial

After the sofa dry, put the pillows and cushions back. Now, your sofa is clean. Getting rid of dirt’s and stains from your sofa is not a difficult task. If you do not know how, just follow the two methods of how to wash your sofa and you can wash your sofa on your own.
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Decorative Pillows & Cushions

Do you like decorating your house? If so, how do you decorate your living room and bedrooms? Do you like using many decorative pillows & cushions? Decorative pillows and cushions are good decorations to be put in the living room and bedrooms. They add flavors to your living room and bedrooms with their beautiful and unique designs. Decorative pillows and cushions are not too expensive, but they are beautiful and have various designs.

Decorative Pillows & Cushions

There are many beautiful decorative pillows & cushions designs that you can choose as the decorations of your living room and bedrooms. Adding decorative pillows and cushions to your living room and bedrooms will not only beautify your sofas and beds, but also contribute to the overall decorations. If you want flowers themed or foliage themed decorative pillows and cushions, you do not need to worry because you will find them easily. There are many more themes and designs for decorative pillows and cushions. The following are some designs of decorative pillows and cushions that you might like.

Some Designs of Decorative Pillows & Cushions

The first decorative pillows & cushions design is flower design. This design is very common and can be found easily. Most women like flowers, thus this design also becomes women’s favorite. Decorative pillows and cushions with flower design can beautify and freshen up your living room and bedrooms. There are many kinds of flower that are usually used as pillows and cushions design such as Rose, Sunflower, Aster, Jasmine, and many more.

Unique Pillows & Cushions Designs

The second decorative pillows & cushions design is foliage design. Even though foliage themed pillows and cushions are not as colorful as the flower themed ones, this design is also well liked. With the usual colors green and brown, foliage themed pillows and cushions will give your living room and bedrooms nature feeling. For those who like forest, nature, and green color, this foliage design is an excellent option for you. This design will give a lively and calm atmosphere in your living room and bedrooms.

Decorative Pillows & Cushions Design Photo

The third decorative pillows & cushions design is portrait design. The portrait design is also very popular. The portrait that are usually used as pillows and cushions design are famous people such as Queen Elizabeth, Monalisa, and Marilyn Monroe; animation characters such as Barbie and Ken, Cinderella, and Tinker bell; and superhero characters such as Spiderman, Batman, and Iron Man. This portrait design of pillows and cushions will add flavors to the overall design and decorations of your living room and bedrooms.
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Traditional Japanese Interior Home Design

A Simple Traditional Japanese Interior Design

Among all the furniture design and home interior, Javanese model is the simplest furniture ever made. The traditional Japanese interior home design emphasizes on the simplicity for designing any interior or furniture. The simple furniture is effective and efficient and the home interior which doesn’t look so crowded and glamour. The home interior emphasizes on simple and easy function. The door or cupboard for instance, Javanese model will focus on the quality of function the door rather the appearance.

Traditional Japanese Interior Home Design

The material of traditional Japanese interior home design

The traditional Japanese interior home idea also has a simple material to make. The interior or all of the furniture material take the wooden like bamboo as the basic element to make it looks more natural. The Japanese window is usually made with transparent material for the core of sun light in the room. So the natural look in the room will be so alive with this natural light. The traditional Japanese interior home design is also so simple in the idea of sophisticated because it only needs some more light from the sun and some more cooler from its wooden element.

The wall of traditional Japanese interior home design is also different than others. They prefer have a straw plaster to stick on the wall to make a unique texture of the wall. This plaster which people usually called Wara Juraku is stuck on the wall to have different view and texture. It tends to be more natural and peaceful for the home interior.

Other part of the house for Japanese home is tea-room. Japanese usually have a quality time with their family to be gathered in the tea-room. The modern people or other nationalities usually have family room. But in this case, traditional Japanese interior home design usually has such a tea-room to replace the family room. This room can be used for getting gathering with all members of the family or even to have tea-talk with the guest. This tea-room becomes the main characteristic of Javanese interior home.

Traditional Japanese Interior Design Pictures

Last but not least the traditional Japanese interior home design has been influenced by the modern interior design. The display of the wall and little furniture has been developed by Eastern. Therefore the traditional Japanese interior home idea nowadays has been designed with floral arrangement like Europe. The development is only to create modern arrangement and design for traditional Japanese interior which now has the higher demand for the production.
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Friday, December 13, 2013

Traditional Japanese Furniture Design

Traditional Japanese Furniture Design for Natural View

For long time Japanese is the country which is rich of its natural resources. Huge kinds of woods are available at there. Some are used for manufacture furniture, wooden tools, and other accessories. Therefore Japanese woodcraft is really popular with the design and its craft. People develop it so become popular among the country. The traditional Japanese furniture design for instance, is really popular and human-friendly.

Traditional Japanese Furniture Design
Photo of Traditional Japanese Furniture Design.

It is a kind of old Japanese furniture style for the most of people who have a lot of works to do at their office or other business place. The common environment like in the town cannot refresh our mind after long day of having works. Other chooses to design a different atmosphere at home like traditional Japanese furniture design. It can be a refreshing mood and mind while people at home. The situation in the Japanese home will be a solution to bring a good mood for a lot of people.

Kinds of traditional Japanese furniture design

The traditional Japanese furniture design can be simple in the idea of style. Even this design is developed year by year; its design does not change in term of simplicity. The Japanese old people like simple furniture and art to place in their house. Therefore this idea influences a lot of design furniture from Japan like cupboard, table, chair, drawer and other furniture at home. The materials to make this furniture are also selected. Only a certain wood can be used to make the Japanese furniture to have such a natural smell in the house.

Traditional Japanese Table Design Photo
Picture of Unique Traditional Japanese Furniture

This kind of traditional Japanese furniture design will also let people travel back to the traditional memory in the past. It reminds the old people and the entire atmosphere in the past so it makes the comfortable and relaxes feeling toward the owner of the home after long day of the activities outside of the home. People will have such treatment from Japanese furniture view at home.

Some people prefer choose old Japanese furniture style to fill their home because crafted and creative result will satisfy them. Moreover it has such strength in the design. Every part of the furniture is noticed with detail art and design. The traditional Japanese furniture design will be a great product with a qualified material. The drawer and every door of the cupboard are really easy and smooth to open. Carpenters notice every inch of their furniture to ensure the quality.
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Sheraton Style Furniture Characteristics

Big Influence of Sheraton Style Furniture Characteristics

In the beginning of 19th century there was a famous style of furniture in London called Sheraton. The founder is Thomas Sheraton therefore the design was named Sheraton. This kind of style furniture has influenced the modern style until this era. The Sheraton style furniture characteristics have influenced design of furniture like cabinet, table, and chair, bad and other furniture. The modern furniture tries to develop the Sheraton design furniture feature in order to be appropriate to the furniture modern style in this era. But still the characteristic of Sheraton model has been a big influence to the nowadays style.
Sheraton Style Furniture Characteristics
The Sheraton style furniture characteristics are really unique with some materials like tulip wood, mahogany, satinwood, birch, rosewood and other materials. The Sheraton design furniture feature has so many styles of furniture which is made by the wood material to design unique furniture. This unique furniture is not always complicated in the design. Simple is the concept of the model furniture. Therefore, this concept inspires many wood-makers to create a lot of Sheraton furniture.
Sheraton Style Furniture design

The shape of the Sheraton style furniture

The shape of the Sheraton style furniture characteristics such as table is really simple but unique. The table is designed rounded with simple feet. This table is usually small and rounded according to the needs. But behind that simple table needs more focus and carefulness to make. Rounded table is not so easy to make rather than the square one. Only a good and careful wood-maker can result the perfect furniture of Sheraton style. Therefore the prize tends to be more expensive rather than other common furniture style.

Sheraton Style Furniture photos

Sheraton Style Furniture pictures

Sheraton Style Furniture decor

The other popular style is for bed furniture. The Sheraton style furniture characteristics in this furniture are really inspired. The bed has a different designed. It has a kind of roof on the main bed to protect the sleeping person under it. This kind of model influences other wood-maker until now. The carpenter works on the Sheraton idea to make luxurious furniture which is now sold across the country. The demand high because its popularity of furniture model.
Sheraton Style Furniture table
The Sheraton style furniture characteristics is popular with it is elegant and luxurious design. The style is usually shown in the palace or kingdom in that era. Nowadays, these kinds of style usually fill the hotel or other reservation room for guide and also some governor office. It is because the design and the model of the furniture are really internationalized among the country.
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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Georgian Style Homes Floor Plans

After the era of King George I, the architecture of houses is getting developing. The existence of houses that are focus not on the decoration but the simple but specious floor plans and symmetrical shape were very famous around 1700’s. Even until now, there are still people around Mississippi that still uses this house. The selling of these Georgian style homes floor plans is also promising. People want to have specious, elegance and simple house. That is why Georgian style houses floor plans can be one of the suitable choices.

Description of Georgian Style Homes Floor Plans
Georgian style homes floor plans are basically simple, because the house is box in two-story house. Most of Georgian design homes floor plans are in two-story. There are different functions of the story in every house, but mostly, the first floor is design for living room, dining room, kitchen and family room. These four rooms can be separated in different rooms depends on the size of the house. The 3 bathrooms are also provided in the house. Average size of the house is 2490 Ft.

The second story of Georgian style homes floor plans is basically more about the bed rooms. Normally, there are about 3-4 bedrooms available in the second story. The rooms are placed in various ways. In one way, the rooms are placed side by side to the other rooms, so that the rooms face the large windows. Nevertheless, there are also rooms that are placed face to face to each other. The size of the rooms are varied depends on the size of the house. The space in the second floor are usually smaller than the space in the first floor, depends on the size of the width and depth of the house, it can be 50” width and 65” depth.

The exterior of Georgian style homes floor plans are basically very simple. One thing that usually exists is the yard in front of the house and surrounded by fences. The back courtyard is also big. Trees will do good to fill the big space in front of the house. There are fewer places to put decoration in the exterior. Nevertheless, there are still simple decorations that are usually placed in the front of the house: like quoins, double story pilasters, and some details below the cornice. Attached garage are also available in the side of the house.

The interior of the Georgian style homes floor plans are as simple and elegance as the exterior. The house doesn’t use many decorations, minimum pictures on the wall and muted hues. The chimney can be placed in family room while the living rooms have more accessories like jacket stand hanger, traditional or elegance pictures. The paint of the interior is also very calm and with one or two color combinations.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Georgian Colonial House Style

The Look of Georgian Colonial House Style

One of many styles of house that is very popular is Georgian colonial house style. This house is very popular in New England even though the style and architecture was firstly made in 1700’s. This house is also adopted the characteristics of American colony. This proofs that Georgian colonial house design is suitable even after hundreds of years. Although the existence of this kind of house is no longer as much as in the era of King George I, but some people still choose to have this house in this era of globalization.

Georgian Colonial House Style

Georgian colonial house is considered as the part of the history of architecture in England. This kind of house is usually big design in either one or two-story. The floor plan of the house is also simple since the shape is usually box or rectangle. Georgia colonial house style is elegance with the elegance appearance from the exterior that almost has no decorations. The shape of the house that symmetric also supports the elegance look of the house. Georgian colonial house design also shows the characteristics of the owner that can be predicted as people with good taste.

Georgian Colonial House Design

Features of Georgian Colonial House Style

The feature of Georgian colonial house style are very unique and elegance. The house is made with natural materials like brick, wood or stone. The design is square and symmetrical shape. The house usually have paired chimney that is placed on the left side of the house and the right side of the house. There are very little decorations on the exterior, apart from the windows that equally placed in the right and left side of the house. This house usually has many windows and one placed above the door. The front door itself has decorative crown. The roof has little overhang. The color is usually black and white or brick color.

Georgian Colonial House Picture

The interior of the house are not much different from the exterior in term of simplicity and elegance. Normally, Georgian colonial house style has two-story. The second story is usually functioned as the attic. The since the design is symmetric square, the floor plan is rectangle. The floor is usually linoleum. The paint is calm and elegance and the table in the kitchen is laminate.

Georgian Colonial House Style Photo

Georgian Colonial House Exterior

Georgian Colonial House Plan

The interior and exterior features of Georgian colonial house style are basically focused on the elegance look. Sitting in the living room of the house would make people feel the traditional but elegance atmosphere of 1700’ where King George I is still leading the country. So it is not too much is Georgian colonial house style is called as one of the inspiring architecture for the farther architecture design.
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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Characteristics of a Ranch Style House

Economic Characteristics of a Ranch Style House

If people want to have an affordable beautiful house, than they can consider ranch style house. Ranch style house is a kind of house that was very popular in 1920 in western countries especially The State. This kind of house is still can be found in some areas in California, and Arizona. The uniqueness of this style is the distinguished characteristics of a ranch style house that differ the house from any other kinds of house. This low cost house is actually influenced by the society in the early 1920 in term of economic and culture. Aside from the traditional look of it, there are many people nowadays that find this style is unique and they start to build and buy ranch houses and redecorate the house without leaving the uniqueness of the features of a ranch style house for many purposes.

Ranch Style House
Ranch Style House

For those who want to build a ranch style house and add some modern touch but want to still keep the originality of the trait of a ranch style house, they need to understand the characteristics of a ranch style house so that they won’t blindly change it into a modern house.

Interior and Exterior Characteristics of a Ranch Style House

To start, let’s go to the interior characteristics of a ranch style house first. The common and the most distinguish interior feature of a ranch house is the undivided rooms. It means that the rooms like living room, dining room or family room, and the kitchen are not separated by wall. So people can see almost the entire house when they sit in the living room. The floor is usually hardwood floor. The ceiling is textured. The living room, dining room and the kitchen area is in a different part of the bedroom area. Minimum wall decoration is maintained.

Ranch Style House design
Ranch Style House design

The external characteristics of a ranch style house are almost alike from one ranch house to each other although the layouts are different. The layout itself is either long U-shape or L-shape. Another visible feature is the low roof design. It makes the house looks short and warm. The garage is attached to the house. The materials are usually bricks, wood or stone. A ranch house has a big courtyard in the back. The window is huge with decorative shutter. Sliding glass door is used to go to the patio.

Characteristics of a Ranch Style House

Ranch Style House Pictures
Ranch Style House Pictures

Ranch Style House Floor Plan
Ranch Style House Floor Plan

Ranch Style House Photos
Ranch Style House Photos

After knowing the internal and external characteristics of a ranch style house, now you can add modern touch by considering the existing original characteristics. You can try to choose the furniture like sofa, table, standing lamp, cabinet and many more. These days even modern feature is a part of traditional one, so there is no limitation of color or furniture.
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