
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mediterranean House Style Characteristics

Mediterranean House Style Characteristics for Tropical Climate Home

Mediterranean house style is one of the architecture house styles that are used by people lately. Recently, this kind of house style has been popular house style in the middle of people. This kind of house style which tends to be in luxurious house style starts to be used by couple of people. The Mediterranean house style characteristic is inspired by the whole Mediterranean region like Moorish, Italian, Spanish, and Byzantine Country. But the Mediterranean house design characteristic which is used by people lately has been influenced with traditional Native American house style.

Mediterranean House Style Characteristics

The most of Mediterranean house style characteristic nowadays are built to give the cool atmosphere in the warmer areas. Because Mediterranean house style type is kind of type of architectural house that can give cool and cozy atmosphere in warmer areas. We can see the most of country which use this kind of house design are the country which has warmer weather like Texas, Florida, California and Arizona. Those country are country which we well-known as Country which have warmer climate.

Mediterranean House Design

If you are having planned to decorate your home into the Mediterranean house style, there is some Mediterranean house style characteristic you should learn well before you choose to use this home design. First thing is Mediterranean exterior home design offers unique look. The exterior of Mediterranean home design can be easily identified by its brick which are commonly painted in cream color that will look contrast with the roof of the home. About the window that is used in Mediterranean home design, the cases of the window are framed well by wooden frame.

Mediterranean House Plan

The other Mediterranean house style characteristic is about the floor of this home design. This Mediterranean houses is also popular with its asymmetrical floor plans. The Mediterranean floor plan makes this house into U or L shape. This condition allows courtyard access-able easily from various room in the house. The shape of the house also enables the open breeze flowing through the house.

Mediterranean House Picture

The next Mediterranean house style characteristic is about the interior of the Mediterranean house. The interior of the Mediterranean home design come with open floor with higher ceiling. Meanwhile the wall of the Mediterranean home can be painted in any option of color. The most color that are applied in Mediterranean home are natural color. You can choose some natural color like green foliage, Blue Ocean, and many more.
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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Federal Style Architecture Characteristics

The Historical Federal Style Architecture Characteristics

If you are the one who loves about historical things, maybe you also the one who loves federal style architecture characteristic. This architecture style is an historical architecture that has to be kept well. In design, word “federal” indicate about time period 1780 until 1820, the period when federal style is prevailed in United States. The federal style architecture type actually borrowed from the contemporary of European influences, especially England Adam brothers. The Adam brothers had heavily traveled to the Italy and then credited with popular architectural detail from Roman and Greek building instead of renaissance interpretation.

Federal Style Architecture Characteristics

The federal style architecture characteristic is quite similar with the Georgia style. But the main difference between federal design architecture characteristic and the Georgian style is on the using of glass for those two different countries. On the federal style, there are window with large pane of the glass which separate of narrow mullions whereas, the Georgian use the windows in smaller size, small glass with wide mullions. But the federal enhancement shows that federal style architecture is more delicate than the Georgian. The common symbol which is used in federal style is The American eagle.

Federal Style Architecture Design

The common things about federal style architecture characteristic are symmetrical clapboard with little ornamentation. Usually use generally box-shaped two rooms deep, sometimes this character will be modified in projecting wings. There is something to the roof, it has flat roof with balustrade. The cornices of the federal building are embellished.
The other federal style architecture characteristic are that the federal style architecture have small portico with classical detailing, and also have decorative motif like festoon, swag, garlands, and many more. This kind of style architecture have semi-circular fanlight in the front door. It also have decorative crown on the front door.

Federal Style Architecture Photos

The other things about federal style architecture characteristic are that the federal architecture has narrow sidelights in the front door. In this style window never be adjacent pairs. It also has the side and the front gables with the Palladian windows. This federal style also has louvered shutter. Those are few things about the federal style architecture characteristic. The famous examples about building which use federal style architectures are The oval office at the white house, The University of Virginia, this famous University in America is using federal style architecture, this is one of the perfect design of the federal style architecture design.
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Monday, December 2, 2013

Warm Cozy Family Room Design Ideas

Warm Cozy Family Room Design Ideas for Enjoyable Family Room

Between the other rooms in home, family room play important role in home. The other room is maybe just an ordinary room that is used by people by its function. But family room is a special room that is used by the member of family to gather together. Family room has important function than the other room in a home. Thus, to decorate the comfort zone, it is needed warm cozy family room design ideas to create the best family room that will be cozy and also warm to be used by the entire family member. Warm cozy family room decorating ideas will help you to make the family room in the best one.

Warm Cozy Family Room Design Ideas

How to decorate the best family room which comes in warm and also cozy atmosphere actually is kind of hard thing, therefore you definitely need some great ideas. Warm cozy family room design ideas apparently can be great ideas. With this warm cozy family room design tips, you can follow some great tips which maybe can guide you to create the great warm and cozy family room for you and also for your family. The ideas will always be ideas if you do not take action to execute your brilliant ideas.

One of the warm cozy family room design ideas is by hanging some family picture on the wall. You can hang your best family picture on the wall. Enlarge the best family picture put it on the frame and then display it on the wall. Family picture will show about the warmness of a family, and it will give good impact to the room, the family room will look warmer and also welcoming.

Warm Cozy Family Room Decoration Ideas

The other tips about warm cozy family room ideas are by placing the family room furniture in the proper location especially about the chair or the sofa in the family room. Try to not use the trend chair or sofa for the family room. Put the cozy sofa in the family room. Just ensure that all the sofa and chair in the room can accommodate the entire family member.

Warm Cozy Family Room Photos

Or you can put a wide coffee table in the centre of the family relax area. The coffee table can be used for the family member to play some interesting game together, like play arrange puzzle, monopoly, or the other interesting game that can be played by some people. Playing game together can also make family feel closer to the other. Those are some warm cozy family room ideas that you can apply for your lovely family room.
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Warm and Cozy Living Room Ideas for Welcoming Room

The main goal of people to build a home for themselves is to provide place that can give them a warm and also comfort atmosphere. Home is a place that is used by people to accommodate them after they do the whole tiring daily activity. One of the main rooms in home is living room. Therefore people will always look for warm and cozy living room ideas; to make the living room is on warm and cozy atmosphere. The most of people will decorate their living room in the best design, because living room is one of place where they can refresh their mind after doing so much stuff in the office. Tips for warm and cozy living room can be great option to build comfort living room.

Warm and Cozy Living Room Ideas

Living room is also a place where people can gather with the entire family member after them doing their own activity. Living room is like a sharing place for a family, or just for gathering together. So, this is kind important to create the design in living room in warm and cozy design. When you will decorate your living room in warm and cozy design, you may need warm and cozy living room ideas. Warm and cozy living room design ideas are needed to create warm and cozy lounge in the living room.

Warm and Cozy Living Room Design Ideas

Among couple of way, paint soft and light colour for the living room is included warm and cozy living room ideas. Apply some soft colour on the living room wall; the soft colour you can use is soft cream, soft blue, turquoise, grey, and many more. Soft colour will give welcoming impression to the living room.

Put some things that represent about your family. You can hang family picture on the wall, it does not have to a high quality one, the picture that you will hang on the wall. Hang large family photo will show that you have happy family and give the warmness to the room. This is one of warm and cozy living room ideas you can choose.

Warm and Cozy Living Room Decoration Ideas

The other warm and cozy living room ideas you can choose is arrange the sofa and the chair in the living room form in gather in the centre. I enable the member of family interact to the other by face to face. Or you can put wide coffee table, so the member can play together in that coffee table.
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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Odd Shaped Living Room Decorating Idea

Stunning Odd Shaped Living Room Decorating Idea

Actually, home has its own character that distinguishes it from the other home. Maybe the owner of the home want to make something different for their home, so they build the home in odd shaped style, to give different image for their home. But, what if you undeliberate have to deal with odd shaped kind of living room? What would you do? You may feel confused. Odd shaped living room decorating idea maybe can be the answer. Oddly shaped living room decorating idea can help you in decorating your living room, so your living room will look stunning and also impressive.

Odd Shaped Living Room Decorating Idea

Definitely everybody want their home come in perfect one, the room is on perfect shaped, But sometimes, they do not get what they want, some people merely will feel disappointed when they see their part of home, their room is built in odd shaped. This is must be something disappointing for them. It will be worse things if the room which in odd shaped is living room. That condition maybe can be such a nightmare for them. But every problem will be followed by its solution, still there is way out. All they need is just odd shaped living room decorating idea. Odd shaped living room designing ideas is the way out when you are dealing with odd shaped living room.

Odd Shaped Living Room Decor

One of tips related to the odd shaped living room decorating idea is by placing the living room furniture in the proper place. Just imagine that the living room shape is like the common living room, and then arrange the furniture as normally. Or you can hang some artwork on the wall to give camouflage to the odd shaped living room.

Odd Shaped Living Room Decoration

The other tips for odd shaped living room decorating idea are by using earth tones. Put some sharp colour will make the shape of the room will be viewed easily. To remove the odd image of the room you can use some soft colour for your odd living room. Use some rug or furniture in light natural colour like soft cream, and turquoise.

To make the odd shaped living room is like the normal shaped room, you can start with the window, give the total treatment for the window. For the example paint the window in sharp colour, it will make the window will look like the main point of the room. That is one of the odd shaped living room idea you can choose.
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