The Historical Federal Style Architecture Characteristics
If you are the one who loves about historical things, maybe you also the one who loves federal style architecture characteristic. This architecture style is an historical architecture that has to be kept well. In design, word “federal” indicate about time period 1780 until 1820, the period when federal style is prevailed in United States. The federal style architecture type actually borrowed from the contemporary of European influences, especially England Adam brothers. The Adam brothers had heavily traveled to the Italy and then credited with popular architectural detail from Roman and Greek building instead of renaissance interpretation.
The federal style architecture characteristic is quite similar with the Georgia style. But the main difference between federal design architecture characteristic and the Georgian style is on the using of glass for those two different countries. On the federal style, there are window with large pane of the glass which separate of narrow mullions whereas, the Georgian use the windows in smaller size, small glass with wide mullions. But the federal enhancement shows that federal style architecture is more delicate than the Georgian. The common symbol which is used in federal style is The American eagle.

The common things about federal style architecture characteristic are symmetrical clapboard with little ornamentation. Usually use generally box-shaped two rooms deep, sometimes this character will be modified in projecting wings. There is something to the roof, it has flat roof with balustrade. The cornices of the federal building are embellished.
The other federal style architecture characteristic are that the federal style architecture have small portico with classical detailing, and also have decorative motif like festoon, swag, garlands, and many more. This kind of style architecture have semi-circular fanlight in the front door. It also have decorative crown on the front door.

The other things about federal style architecture characteristic are that the federal architecture has narrow sidelights in the front door. In this style window never be adjacent pairs. It also has the side and the front gables with the Palladian windows. This federal style also has louvered shutter. Those are few things about the federal style architecture characteristic. The famous examples about building which use federal style architectures are The oval office at the white house, The University of Virginia, this famous University in America is using federal style architecture, this is one of the perfect design of the federal style architecture design.