There are many beautiful decorative pillows & cushions designs that you can choose as the decorations of your living room and bedrooms. Adding decorative pillows and cushions to your living room and bedrooms will not only beautify your sofas and beds, but also contribute to the overall decorations. If you want flowers themed or foliage themed decorative pillows and cushions, you do not need to worry because you will find them easily. There are many more themes and designs for decorative pillows and cushions. The following are some designs of decorative pillows and cushions that you might like.
Some Designs of Decorative Pillows & Cushions
The first decorative pillows & cushions design is flower design. This design is very common and can be found easily. Most women like flowers, thus this design also becomes women’s favorite. Decorative pillows and cushions with flower design can beautify and freshen up your living room and bedrooms. There are many kinds of flower that are usually used as pillows and cushions design such as Rose, Sunflower, Aster, Jasmine, and many more.
The second decorative pillows & cushions design is foliage design. Even though foliage themed pillows and cushions are not as colorful as the flower themed ones, this design is also well liked. With the usual colors green and brown, foliage themed pillows and cushions will give your living room and bedrooms nature feeling. For those who like forest, nature, and green color, this foliage design is an excellent option for you. This design will give a lively and calm atmosphere in your living room and bedrooms.

The third decorative pillows & cushions design is portrait design. The portrait design is also very popular. The portrait that are usually used as pillows and cushions design are famous people such as Queen Elizabeth, Monalisa, and Marilyn Monroe; animation characters such as Barbie and Ken, Cinderella, and Tinker bell; and superhero characters such as Spiderman, Batman, and Iron Man. This portrait design of pillows and cushions will add flavors to the overall design and decorations of your living room and bedrooms.