Great Tips How to Decorate a Long Narrow Living Room
You are bored with your current living room decoration? Maybe you think that the decoration of your recent living room has been an old-design, therefore you want to change the arrangement of your living room into the new arrangement as you want. But, what about the living room that you have is coming with long narrow space? You may need some tips about how to decorate a long narrow living room. Long and narrow room, sounds like an odd space to be used as living room, but, this condition can happen to everyone, including you, so learn well about how to design a long narrow living room.
Decorate a room, moreover living room, is not an easy job. You have to consider about a few things before you decorate your living room. Because living room is included the most important room in home. Thus, you have to make the living room look impressive. Therefore you have to be able to decorate the living room in any size; moreover the living room in your house is long narrow living room. You have to know the way how to decorate a long narrow living room. To find the method about how to arrange a long narrow living room, it may need some creative ideas from you. If you have one, maybe this is the time for you to execute your room decoration ideas.

Even though this sounds like a difficult things to know about how to decorate a long narrow living room, but you still can do a few things that can help you decorate your long narrow living room. First idea, you can divide your living room in two sides, in one side you can put sofa and one coffee table to host your guest, and you can utilize the other side as a playground for the children.

The next idea about how to decorate a long narrow living room is you can put kind of work space in your living room, you can place one desk and also one chair behind your main living room sofa. So you can use your living room as multi-function room, to host guest and also as a work station.
The other way you can do about tricks to decorate a long narrow living room to optimize space is by using two separate rugs for this room. Use two rug in one room of long narrow living room will break up the long image for the room, it will define that the room has fine design.