
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Using Victoria Mirrors Style for Different Rooms

The rapid development of the interior, Victoria mirror applications as elements of home decor is quite diverse. Function itself in the mirror there are two such decorations as needs and as a sweetener room. As a requirement, a mirror is used to give the impression of a wider, while as a sweetener room, mirrors are used as accessories.

Victorian mirror
For the placement itself, a Victoria mirror which functioned for the needs placed in a public area, such as living room, foyer, or insulation between spaces. For this function works best in a tiny house or confined spaces. Mirror can give the effect of expanding space.

Also selected mirrors used for forming large room to be more than double. Placement position in a small room should be installed vertically, when installed horizontally will give a short impression. In a large room, other furniture such as Victoria mirrors combined consul table.

To install the Victoria mirror since it is easily broken, there are several things you should notice. After selecting a mirror, adjusted to shape, size, and space requirements, make sure the area to be installed in a flat condition. If it is not flat, the object to be reflected mirror tilts.

Victoria mirror frame
Some picture frames held Victoria mirror is usually used as a sweetener for the interior of the room. So that the owner can choose freely the desired design or pattern. Like most people who have luxury homes, Victoria frames are very suitable to add to the impression of sweetness in the interior of the house.

Shades of color of the frame can be adjusted to the dominant color of the interior. Or you can also choose the color as you wish. Should be the size of a picture frame or mirror frame is not too big or not too small. Adjust to the needs and size of the space that used Victoria mirrors.

To anticipate the fragile nature of add Victoria mirror with frame. Note also the secure placement of small children and away from the children's playroom . Avoid mounting on walls damp because it can make the metal in the mirror easily dislodged. Also note the connections on the mirror to get the reflection of objects are unbroken.

In addition, homeowners can also put some lights that are attached close to the Victoria mirror. It also serves to enhance the appeal. It should also be remembered that, this mirror also requires regular maintenance such as routine cleaning.

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