
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Antrax's Modern Futuristic Wall Fireplace Designs

modern futuristic wall fireplace

Futuristic and Modern Wall Fireplace Designs by Antrax

A breakthrough in home design that no doubt make your room a unique and unforgettable. Antrax has introduced a new look of your fireplace wall decoration with colorful surface, further, these new fireplaces are environmentally friendly because it does not require dry wood and match light a fire.

Instead, use the Bubble Baby, a bio ethanol as fuel. Andrea Cosetta as a designer has been adept at making this a unique case in the form of circular and clover-shaped openings are available in more than hundreds of colors you can choose. Forget the big fireplace that consume a lot of room with its chimney, now turn your attention to the revolutionary fire that also serves as a beautiful decoration hanging on the wall. It is more durable and energy efficient as well so you do not have difficulty in finding wood.

modern wall fireplace futuristic design


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