
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Home and Garden Design Tips

Designing the park in building a home is often hindered by a lack of broad land. However, it is not a big problem if you know how to design a garden at home.

Here are some tips for designing a minimalist garden in a tiny home page:

1. Create A Focus Attention From Garden at Home

In a garden house in narrow land, you can focus on making a garden with fountains, such as an art sculpture which stands in the middle of or attached to the wall of the garden, with potted flowers are large and beautiful, the order of arrangement of natural stone in the garden wall, and so forth. The whole point of this park is the focus of a focus to create a minimalist garden design in your home.

2. Bright or Natural Color Selection at Wall Park

If the land for the park in narrow your home, you should select the color was natural parks or brightly colored. Elections for the dark color on the walls will give the impression of narrow garden park itself. Therefore, the selection of wall colors should be considered carefully.

3. Garden Care

After thinking about creating a garden, you should think about next is the treatment of the park itself. Creating a garden can actually be done easily, it was the park maintenance problem that is difficult and rarely done. Even in home gardens often look neglected and unattended. If the future does not have time to take care of the garden, choosing the garden design is simple and not too complicated. In addition, the selection of plants should also be considered. The selection of plants that grow faster should be noted and considered selectively. Selection of fast growing plants will require special care and treatment difficult in the park. Therefore, the selection of tropical plants is highly recommended for those who do not require a lot of time to spare.

4. Minimalist Garden Design Decorative Elements

Garden design minimalist style and minimalist design of the house has the same concept. This concept can be made to the game and a vertical line on the horizontal line like any garden design minimalist home design minimalist. A garden can be called a minimalist garden if the garden looks likely frugal decorating with ornaments or trimmings. Therefore, the park is not rated from the elements of ornaments that decorate it, but from the design of the park owned. Results of this minimalist garden will look neat, clean and simple but still showing the impression of the beauty of a garden. In addition to decorative knick-knacks, harsh elements supporting the design of the park will also show the effect of clean and tidy. It can be applied to fields that have a flat surface, such as the use of flat or rounded gravel, grass block, or block paving as a complementary element of the park. 5. Selection of Crops on Wildlife If you want to put a garden in a room, you should carefully choosing the plants that will be included. The plants used in the garden in the room must be able to absorb pollutants, co2 inside your room. This is so that the room in the house will feel refreshed and minimize pollutants indoors.

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