
Friday, August 30, 2013

4 Steps Caring for Indoor Plants

How to Caring for Indoor Plants? There is 4 steps in caring indoor plants. Indoor plants can reduce the pollutants that move freely indoors or contained in materials such as wood lapus, paper towels, paper wipes, smoothing fluid fabric, plywood under the carpet, and cigarette smoke.

Indoor plant has been recommended in office buildings, to help bring fresh air indoors

indoor plants
Recommended indoor plants
NASA has conducted research and recommend plants that effectively reduce indoor pollutants. These plants are Gerbera daisy, Chrysanthemum, Classic ivy, tongue-in-law, Warnerckei, Peace lily, Chinese evergreen, marginata, Bamboo Palm, Aloe vera, and elephant ears.

Looking at the function that was quite helpful health, care of indoor plants also need to still look appealing without compromising its function.

4 steps to care for indoor plants :

  1. Choosing a suitable pot or container.

    Pot or plants container besides as a function of aesthetics is also important to know the growth of roots and shoots of plants. Use a pot or container that made of plastic or clay.

    Material from the plastic will keep moisture from the soil temperature for longer, while clay can create moisture under normal circumstances. Suitable pot for plant when it is inserted freely when mean size was appropriate. Give also the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.
  2. Note the air temperature and lighting

    Indoor plants can generally live with limited sunlight.
    However, it does not mean without regulation of temperature and light. Too low or high temperatures can generate damage.

    While the light, the plants still need, therefore every 1-2 weeks, move out the plant to receive sunlight for two to three hours. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight because it will scorch the plants.
  3. Note the need for water and humidity of indoor plants.

    Do not give too much water, because it will be too wet and mushrooming. Feel the soil moisture. Give water to flow out through the hole until the bottom of the pot. Plants are placed in a room with air conditioner need more attention because the air conditioning dries the air humidity.
  4. Indoor plants Fertilization and pest control

    Indoor plants also need to get the fertilizer. Use a fertilizer that has a balance nitrogen, phosphorus, and kalium.
Three elements are essential for the growth of plants stems, leaves, roots, and power. Cut the plants leaf that yellowing or diseased. Trimming allows the new leaf buds to develop. To avoid pests and diseases, can spray an insecticide that is safe for indoor plants. Read also article about the importance of garden in house.

Tags: indoor, plants, house, health, air, pollutants

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