How to Fix Hairline Crack in Fiberglass Tub in an Easy Way
Hairline crack in fiberglass tub happens commonly in our house. The hairline crack in tub made of fiberglass happens because of many reasons such as weight, change in temperature, etc. If the crack is left untreated on the floor or wall of your fiberglass tub, it may cause a leak which requires more money to fix it.
The worst scenario is when you just came home after work and wanted to relax for a hot bath, you found that your fiberglass tub has some hairline crack and you are afraid that the crack will spread up and causing a leak. You either think to fix hairline crack in fiberglass tub or change the whole tub to a brand new tub. However, there are many fiberglass repair kit that you can find online or at the home stores.
How to fix Hairline Crack in Fiberglass Tub Correctly
To fix the hairline crack in fiberglass tub, you need to firstly prepare your fiberglass repair kit. Clean the affected area on your tub using soft cloth to avoid any scratches. Do not work on your fiberglass tub if it is wet. You need to let it dry completely before doing your work. After all is dry and cleaned, you can sandpaper the surface of the hairline crack. The sandpaper is usually provided when you buy the kit. Sandpaper it lightly and gently.
After you have done all that, clean the excess of by using wet cloth. Some of the fiberglass repair kits have the paint mixed with the filler or the paint which is applied after the filler is dry. Fill the crack with the filler until it reaches the surface of the crack and to make it even stronger, you can also apply it on the surrounding surface area. Let it dry for overnight. After it is completely dry, you can sandpaper the surface area of the hairline crack in fiberglass tub until you get the smooth and flat texture of the fiberglass tub. If the filler is separated from the paint, you can apply the paint in this step.

So, if you have hairline crack in fiberglass tub, do not rush to plan on buying a new tub. You can save your money by repairing it by your own. However, if you are not sure about repairing your fiberglass tub by your own, you can hire a professional to do it right for you. Old fiberglass tub which is used for more than 10 years is also a very common thing to happen. Everything has life expectancy of use.